John Herman Merivale (1779 - 1844)
  • Book of Ecclesiological Sketches
No date
Described as “a thin octavo book of pencil sketches”
Object Type

Catalogue Number
Description Sources
Burnet Morris card index


Given by the artist’s son Herman Merivale (1806–1874) to Frederick Wilton Litchfield Stockdale (1786–1858). Given on Stockdale’s death to the Exeter Diocesan Architectural Society, on whose winding up in the 1930s it passed to the Devon and Exeter Institution, Exeter.

Associated People & Organisations

Devon and Exeter Institution, Exeter
Frederick Wilton Litchfield Stockdale (1786 - 1858)
Herman Merivale (1806 - 1874)


The Burnet Morris card index in the Devon Record Office in Exeter contains a reference to a thin octavo book of pencil sketches of “ecclesiological subjects” inscribed: “These sketches were taken by the late J. H. Merivale and presented to me by his son Herman M. Fred W. L. Stockdale.” Stockdale was an antiquary who began to research the history of Devon in 1840, writing to many eminent Devon residents seeking information. Possibly Merivale gave him the sketches in response to such a letter.

by Richard Stephens

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